Here are a few tricks that have worked for me. My partner is pregnant and I am a temporary agency worker. Tips for Returning to Work After Maternity Leave If you're approaching the end of your maternity leave , here are some tips to help prepare you to return to the workforce. Thanks for the awesome post! I’ve already handed in my notice and I’ve told work I’m not coming back after my second baby – I still get maternity benefit. Statutory Shared Parental Pay is capped throughout at the rate of £148.68 per week or 90% of your earnings if less (April 2019). When you going to buy a breast pump try to get the double electric pump. It is, to me, a tragic way of learning how the brain works.”, Each of us has dueling memory systems, Diamond explains. This will help you focus and hit the ground running on what’s most important, instead of getting bogged down in unimportant tasks. My son will be in childcare 2 days and home with his daddy 2 days . If not, ask if they have ideas for how to accommodate your needs. My patience was razor thin, and my temper bubbled right at the surface, ready to spill over. For your second period of leave you must give the same notice as you did the first time. Most women are able to qualify for some maternity pay for the next pregnancy. For example, you could work 6.5-hour days for the next week, then the week after that bump up to 40 hours. If you’ll need to be in the office by 8:00 am, set the alarm for when you’ll need to get up. I’d pull my eyes back up to my friend’s face, a little sheepish for having looked away. What are my employment rights as an employee? Women not returning after leave is (I think) a reason many companies don’t offer good maternity leave benefits, or offer a stingy benefit. I have pretty much cried every day for the past 2 weeks because I don’t want to leave him. 9 Tips for Returning to Work After Maternity Leave. Don’t go trying to stuff yourself into your pre-pregnancy clothes. If possible, schedule your return date for the middle of the week. I wanted to share what I have found with other moms who face similar dilemmas. My maternity leave is about to finish and I am pregnant again. Stressing out about whether I’ll have enough milk for the next day, cleaning all the little nooks and crannies of the pump parts, etc, etc. Udeh did not return to work for Winn-Dixie and drew unemployment benefits for 18 months before returning to work at another employer. According to the EEOC, any women returning from maternity leave must be treated the same as other workers allowed leave for a temporary disability. Kelly, thank you for sharing your thoughts! Assuming you’ve already got childcare squared away and started pumping, here are some less obvious details to consider for your back-to-work checklist.The list is a mix of things that worked well for me when returning to work after maternity leave AND things I wish I’d done the first go-round.. 1. 6 Returning to work I’m pregnant – what happens next? This section covers: • Checklist for employers Because they probably won’t fit. I met a friend for afternoon tea this week. This is great and really helpful including the article on saying no. I am expecting a child. Reconnect with the Office If it's been some time since you've thought about work, do … If your maternity leave was covered by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), your employer was legally required to continue your health insurance benefits during your time off. The danger is that you get on auto-pilot, baby falls asleep and doesn’t make a peep, and you drive from home to work without stopping at daycare first. I want to carry on breastfeeding my baby for as long as possible. And probably also for saying “popo.”. Oh wait, grown-ups are supposed to make eye contact. Do fathers-to-be get time off to attend ante-natal appointments. The employer must treat pregnancy and delivery as it would any other medical condition, including allowing the newly-delivered woman recovery time. Returning to Work After Maternity Leave: 10 Ways to Make It as Painless as Possible. If you’re returning to work after 26 weeks or less, you’re entitled to return to the same job. You must give your employer eight weeks’ notice if you want to return to work earlier or later than your agreed date. I’ve made some bonehead moves, like showing up to the grocery store, going to get my baby out of the carseat, and realizing I never buckled her up. What happens to my Statutory Maternity Pay if my job ends? However, if you do not return to work (or do not return for very long) you may not earn enough to qualify for Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) for your second period of maternity leave. The right to return to an altered schedule or part-time work Upon returning from maternity leave, women must be treated the same as workers who take a leave for a temporary disability. Time saved in the morning is more sleep for you. “Given the right scenario, I would say this can happen to anyone,” says [memory expert Dr. David Diamond]. If you’re nursing, the best thing you can do for your baby when you return to work is to make sure you’ll be successful with pumping. ), For the first time in weeks, I had to carry on a conversation with another adult that extended past the territory of “How old is your baby?” and “Do you want your receipt?”, My alone switch kept flipping to the ON position several times during the mommy date. Good luck when you start back! Keep it in the backseat with baby. And a little less stress is something every mama needs. Awesome post! After Abby was born and I returned to work, I let myself drown in obligations to other people. If your employer shows it's not reasonably practical to return to your original job (for example, because the job no longer exists) you don't have the same right. You may feel relief to … Then you’ll feel like crap because it’s been WEEKS since that tot popped out of you, and you still aren’t back to “normal.”. Organisations must support diverse routes back into the workplace following maternity leave, experts have said, after a survey revealed less than a fifth of women feel confident returning to work after having a baby. wishing you best on this next leg of your journey! Having a practice day will help remove some stress on that first day back in the office. Everyone was obviously speculating but let them. If you're going back to the same position you left before maternity leave, state your intent to resume your position. My employer says I'm not eligible for maternity pay as I'm a worker rather than an employee. Can I work flexible hours when I return from maternity leave? If your employer changes your job assignments or dismisses you after returning from maternity leave, you may have grounds for an employment discrimination lawsuit. I just followed you on Twitter – looking forward to connecting there too! What rights do I have which will help me to do this? (Special thanks to my friend Stephanie for sharing this tip with me when I was a brand new mama. If your employer was unable to keep your job open while you were on parental leave, you need to tell your employer at least 21 days before the date you’ll be available for work. It’s easy to assume that everything’s going to be back to normal when you return to work after maternity leave. Can I take time off for IVF appointments? A few things you might want to pick up before the big day: If you plan to keep breastfeeding after you go back to work, check out 6 Secrets to Success for Breastfeeding at Work for more essentials you’ll need. This also applies when you come back after Additional Maternity Leave (the last 26 weeks of your Statutory Maternity Leave). According to U.S. law, most workplaces have to provide accommodations for you. My eyes would drift down to the baby, anxious to make sure I hadn’t accidentally let her head loll forward and smack into the table, and also just to see her sweet little face because I missed it. I will be working 4 days a week. You have a right to return to work after your maternity leave. If you’re returning after more than 26 weeks’, you still have the right to return to the same job unless your employer … Remember, though, you accrue holiday as normal throughout maternity leave so you should take the holiday in between the two lots of maternity leave. Sound good? However, if you do not return to work (or do not return for very long) you may not earn enough to qualify for Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) for your second period of maternity leave. Your baby will get a couple half-days with the childcare provider under his onesie belt, and you’ll get some practice with your routine. Iron it and check for spit-up stains. You can ask your employer informally if you would like a temporary change to your working arrangements. It probably won’t be easy, but you can alleviate some of the stress with careful planning. “And it can take over almost immediately.”. I was pregnant a month or so after returning to work. If you wrote a maternity leave letter, include a copy of it or mention it in this new letter to remind your employer of when your maternity leave began and when it's scheduled to end. 4 Returning to work My employee has told me she’s pregnant Finding out one of your employees is pregnant need not be a daunting or negative prospect. Check out these tips for the best postpartum clothes, and treat yourself to a few new pieces. Reorgs, changes in leadership, a shift in priorities for the department? I had been working consistently for two years in your company. Join my mailing list and as a bonus, you’ll get 25+ incredibly helpful cheat sheets that will ease your parenting struggles. Your rights when you go back to work after maternity leave. Read through these tips to arm yourself BEFORE you get a bazillion people dumping work on you during your first week back in the office. Anything you can do to make pumping easier is worth doing. I asked last year because I wanted a year off before going back to work and was told that I would get company pay as normal but statutory maternity pay would depend on the amount I had got paid between both lots of maternity leave. The second system – located in more advanced brain regions – is responsible for short-term plans, such as “Buy milk on the way home.” And as anyone who has ever forgotten that milk knows, the primitive “habit system” is much more powerful. This is because regardless of how much leave you take second time around, you will only have the right to return to the same job if it is reasonably practicable to do so. Your maternity leave does not break your continuity of employment, so you have the same right to take maternity leave and receive maternity pay as with your first pregnancy. Or you could discover that getting to the daycare in rush-hour traffic takes twice as long as you thought. That will lighten the mood, and you won’t run into people who assume you’re back and start emailing you about all the stuff they want you to do. You are treated as being in employment while you are on maternity leave and additional maternity leave. If you choke up every time you think about leaving your baby in daycare, spend some time brainstorming some creative childcare solutions so baby doesn’t have to be in daycare 50+ hours a week. Cheers! That alternative job must be on no less favourable terms and conditions, with seniority and pension rights unaffected. I don’t know why, but I just HATE pumping. Submit . If your earnings are high enough in approximately weeks 18 to 26 of your pregnancy you can get Statutory Maternity Pay for your next baby. Your employer must offer you alternative work with the same terms and conditions as if you hadn’t been away. She ordered a slice of chocolate caramel cake, I got almond peach cake. Suddenly, I would hear myself saying – in a regular voice for everyone around me to hear – the things I say to my baby when no one else is around. Is your boss willing to let you try out some flexible work arrangements? What time off work am I entitled to in relation to maternity? If you return to work between the two periods of leave – even if it is just for a day – and then only take Ordinary Maternity Leave after the birth of your second child, you will have the right to return to the same job. Brush up on federal and state laws here. A much easier transition that way, for sure. What happens if I am sick during pregnancy or maternity leave? One example scenario: Go back to work the Thursday before your leave is officially over, and work half-days. That’s a great idea to come back during a holiday week. Be sure to discuss the logistics with your provider ahead of time. It’s written in our biology that we must be there for our children, and it’s still believed by some of society that it’s a lady’s place to be stuck at home doing dishes while daddy goes off and meets all the people and does all the things. If you intend to go back to work after your parental leave, and your job was kept open, you have to write to your employer at least 21 days before your leave ends and advise them that you intend to return to work. Schedule a quick meeting with your boss, outside the office if you can. What can I do? This is because your SMP entitlement is based on your average earnings over the eight week period before the 15th week before the baby is due (about weeks 17 to 25 of pregnancy). I've got two part-time jobs. There are several reasons why you might decide to quit your job during maternity leave or afterward. If it is not reasonably practicable, your employer may offer you a suitable alternative job. Stay up to date with the TUC and get the latest news and get early access. Side note: If your childcare provider is near your workplace, consider leaving during your lunch break to feed your baby. By Kate Rope Updated: Jan 14th, 2020 at 9:30am. Check out her awesome family dinner ideas here.). If you do return to work then you have the same rights to time off for ante natal appointments, health and safety risk assessments and to return to the same job. What happens if I am not well enough to go back to work at the end of my maternity leave? You must take at least the first two weeks of your second maternity leave (four weeks if you are a factory worker). Get to know each phase of your cycle to get pregnant faster. Can I take time off work to attend antenatal classes? Returning to work for at least the eight week qualifying period for SMP may boost the pay you receive for your second maternity leave period. A … So I started saying no at work. “It’s very difficult to keep in your mind that you want to override your habit system,” Diamond says. Do any of you feel like this? Try it on to make sure it fits you well. I go back to work next Thursday, going to do a couple dry runs first. Do I have to take maternity leave, even if I don't want to? I can’t believe it’s coming up so soon…whew! You have to give 21 days notice in writing to your employer: before you return to work — even if you’re returning on your agreed start date if you decide to return to work early. However, if this is not successful, you should make a formal request for flexible work. It’s the system that lets you drive home from work without thinking consciously about every turn. Run through your new routine and work out the kinks. Every time I stayed up til 1:00 am catching up on work email because I had too much work to do during the workday, then woke up at 6:00 am to get us ready for the day – I wasn’t on my A game for Abby. If you are able to return to work after maternity leave but you need to work from home or you need to reduce or change your working days/hours for childcare reasons, you can make a request for flexible work. There is a similar arrangement under the Shared Parental Leave scheme, known as ‘SPLIT’ days. For various reasons, I didn’t tell anyone until 16 weeks and I only told my team around 23 weeks. Enjoy bite-sized activities delivered to you every week. A U.S. Census published in 2011 reported that 22% of first-time mothers quit their jobs either while they were pregnant or 12 weeks after their child's birth. More specifically: Change where you PUT your purse or wallet in the car. Parenting is hard enough without all the guilt we heap on top of ourselves. Pick a day near the end of your leave to test out your new schedule. Am I entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)? You may decide to share some of your second leave with your partner if you both qualify, under the Shared Parental Leave scheme. The list is a mix of things that worked well for me when returning to work after maternity leave AND things I wish I’d done the first go-round. Unless you are required by contract to stay in your job for a certain amount of time, you’re an at-will employee and are legally entitled to quit. The first – in the primitive, “reptilian” part of the brain – directs our habits. Great Post. Then use those couple half-days you worked to cut down on your hours a bit the next week. Have there been any changes you need to be aware of while you were out? I recently heard that you should put your shoe in the backseat next to baby instead of your purse because even a purse can be forgotten but you’re likely not going far without both shoes! Here are 5 childcare ideas to get your creative juices flowing. If you use additional maternity leave, you still have the right to return to your job on the same terms as before you left. Some doctors estimate it takes 6-10 weeks just for your uterus to get back to pre-pregnancy size, let alone the rest of your bits and pieces. Employees on maternity leave can carry out work or training for up to ten days without losing the right to SMP or bringing your maternity leave to an end. You’ve been on maternity leave for 26 weeks or less You’re entitled to return to the same job after maternity leave if you’ve been away 26 weeks or less. Maybe you want to work a half day from home every week, switch to a part-time schedule, or. The more preparation you do before going on maternity leave the easier you will find it to return. Can I get time off to accompany her to her first scan? Same job, same terms and conditions. You have the right to return to the same job after ordinary maternity leave. I know he will be totally fine but it’s so hard to relax about it and not get anxiety or emotional. Can I return to my old job after maternity leave? You just need a clean, private room with a power outlet. This date becomes the start of your six month period of preference. The Employment NZ website has guidance to help employees and their employers prepare their return to work. Hi there I’m a first time mum with a 5 month old baby boy. So let’s stop trying to be perfect parents and just be real ones. Protecting your job during pregnancy or parental leavehas more informa… Most moms have a lot of emotions about returning to work after having a baby—some of them conflicting. I am pregnant. Every employer I’ve worked for has had that one woman who quit after maternity leave (or a week or two after coming back), and people are still talking about it with derision years later. Granted, I am a little on the socially awkward side to start with, but clearly I need to clean up my act before I go back to work in just a couple weeks. Once I'm on maternity leave, do I have to let my employer know that I'm returning to work? Are my maternity rights different from those of full-time workers? Your maternity leave does not break your continuity of employment, so you have the same right to take maternity leave and receive maternity pay as with your first pregnancy. You’re going to feel guilt for returning to work after maternity leave. By contrast, MA is capped at £148.68 a week throughout (from April 2019), or 90% of your average weekly earnings before tax if less. To The manager. Share your tips in a comment below! Nobody thinks they’ll be the ones to forget the baby in the backseat, but when you factor in sleep deprivation and feeling frantic with a more complicated routine getting yourself to work – it’s sadly not outside the realm of possibility. You can quit your job at any time, for any reason. We chatted for an hour and a half about life with a newborn plus an older kid, our plans for going back to work, and if we want more kids – each of us bobbing our babies in our laps to keep them content. This means that you have the right to return to work to the same job with the same contract of employment. However, if you don’t qualify, you are likely to qualify for Maternity Allowance (MA) instead. (Hers was better. Leave cannot begin more than 11 weeks before your expected week of confinement. And after the last couple months you’ve had, you most definitely deserve a haircut and a mani/pedi, too. Why? If your first maternity leave ends before the 11th week before your next baby is due or before the date you wish to start your next maternity leave you will need to return to work for the interim period. Here are some less obvious details to consider for your back-to-work checklist. What notice do I need to give if I want to take maternity leave? If you do not return to work between your two periods of leave, this may have implications for your eventual return. Under the Pregnancy Disability Act, an employer can't use pregnancy or maternity leave after delivery as a reason to terminate an employee's employment. Do check your maternity pay entitlements carefully, and your rights on return to work, if you plan to take consecutive periods of leave. You also have the right to request flexible work arrangements, such as part-time-work. Every night I was stressed about all the things I had to get done that evening after she went to bed – which was pretty much every night – I rushed through story time at bedtime, skipping sentences and sometimes entire pages when I thought I could get away with it. If you’re nursing, check out 6 Secrets to Success for Breastfeeding at Work. Maybe you’ll find that you need 20 minutes, not 10, to feed your baby. Can my husband or partner take paid time off to attend antenatal classes? Is this right? Another way to ease in is to go back during a holiday week if possible:) More on that, and a link to your tips above, here: Do I get maternity pay for both? How much can I expect in Statutory Maternity Pay? A breast pump is a blessing for working moms like us. Terms + Conditions | Privacy Policy | Disclosure + Affiliate Policy | Return Policy, my favorite brand of disposable nursing pads, 6 Secrets to Success for Breastfeeding at Work, 8 Ways to Say No at Work – Without Feeling Guilty, Happy at Work, Happy at Home: The Girl’s Guide to Being a Working Mom, The Milk Memos: How Real Moms Learned to Mix Business with Babies – and How You Can, Too, What Happy Working Mothers Know: How New Findings in Positive Psychology Can Lead to a Healthy and Happy Work/Life Balance, 16 Miracle Phrases to Help You Reconnect With Your Child, Am I allowed to change the date that I will return to work? for your body to get to where it is, so be patient while it finds its way back – and it may settle in a different spot than where it started. On your return from maternity leave, you have the right to return to the same job you had before. Will I have the same job when I return from maternity leave? Tomorrow is my first day back at work. If you need to shave some time from your getting-ready routine, try setting out your outfit the night before. Jen, thank you so much for featuring my post in your daily hint! As a working mom of a toddler and infant with a full-time job outside of the home, I have learned a few things about the return to work after maternity leave. Can I do any work for my employer while on maternity leave? Like “You need to sleep, you little turkey lurkey” and “Did you make a popo?”. Can I get time off for antenatal classes as a temporary agency worker? It will cut half of your sucking session. You're not legally required to return to work after maternity or paternity leave. Thanks for adding your feedback. I like to add a bonus tip to this. I'm not entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay. In addition, workers must be allowed to work as long as she can perform her job before she takes maternity leave. See if your childcare provider will let your baby ease in as well. Dear Sir, With due respected it is stated that I work in your company as Marketing Manager. In other words, an employer may not force a worker to leave work because she is pregnant nor can it force her to take less pay or … If I go for a job interview, do I have to tell them that I'm pregnant? You may also want to take advantage of Keeping in Touch (KiT) Days during your leave. Great tips:) I couldn’t agree with #4 more. That could mean getting the key to an empty storage room or having a lock installed on your office door. Do not feel pressured to return to a different role or take your maternity leave at a time that is more … But as an excuse to treat ourselves to a $5 tea-based drink and food with absolutely no nutritional value, I’ll take it. It’ll save you a pump session and give you time to bond with your baby. The foundations for a smooth return are understanding where work and family fit into your own life and knowing your rights. I wish I had read this 3 weeks ago. Equip yourself with essential skills to be the best you yet. No, despite petitions to lengthen the amount of time you get on maternity leave, there have been no changes made. “It has nothing to do with how much parents love their kids. What are my rights? But if it’s not possible because there have been significant changes to the organisation, you could … Get the guidance you need to stay focused and reach your goals. A full week of 40+ hours away from your baby is going to be a shock to your system – and your baby’s.